In November 2020 Skogsupproret occupied the headquarters of Sveaskog, Sweden's biggest forest owner and a state-owned company. This was the first collaborative action by XR Sweden and Sámi activists. The action confronted Sveaskog with the explotation and devastation they bring for the Indigenous Sámi.
In February 2021 we did a poster campaign adressing the greenwashing of the Swedish forestry.
In April we succeeded in two simultaneous blockades of Sveaskog's logging through NVDA, blockades and forest camps and disrupted the destruction of continuity forest. The blockades received national media coverage and contributed to an ongoing debate about the Swedish forest industry and exploitation of Sámi land without consent. The logging in Juoksuvaara was halted and not continued to this day. This also helped us to start our collaboration with the Fältbiologerna (Swedish enironmental youth organization) and Greenpeace.
In October 2021 we used the momentum generated by the April actions and organized training in four places in Sweden. These drew a total of over 70 participants and gained support by other groups in the climate justice movement in Sweden (for example Fridays For Future, Fältbiologerna).
In the winter of 2021/2022 Skogsupproret joined the Greenpeace engagement with Muonio Sameby (a Sameby is a Sámi regional council). Together with Amnesty Sápmi and Naturskyddsföreningen (Swedish environmental organization) they began to support Muonio in their long running struggle with Sveaskog, calling for consultations regarding logging on their reindeer grazing land. After Skogsupproret put up a blockade on one of the roads leading to a logging site, Sveaskog's CEO announced they would not log until consultations were being re-established. A first in-person meeting between him and the Muonio Sámi representatives is planned for March.